Thursday, May 31, 2007

Top Five Reasons Neee Is The Only One Who Updates

Inspired by the recent, dare I call them attacks, on Peee and myself for not updating, here is our combined list of 5 (we had to cut it down from about 57) reasons Neeee updates the most.

5. We Don't Need the Top Five to Get Chicks - Now don't get me wrong, if this thing gets Neeee chicks, good for him. But the truth is, Peee and I don't need the Top Five to get girls. Does it help? Sure! But so do charisma and wit, something neither Peee nor myself contain, but manage to get the job done without anyways.

4. It's Easy to Type From the Catcher Position - What else is he gonna do while he's down there? Notice the last few posts have been about Peee and I? Why do you think that is? Think about it...

3. He Needs Something to Do - In between playing Pokemon and Guitar Hero, that is.

2. He Can't Maintain an Erection - While me and Peee are doing Marathon Eiffel Tower's on underage biddies, Nick spends his time writing Top Fives with misplaced hope that Thumper will stir in his pants one of these days.

1. His Mom Thinks it Makes Him Seem "Cool" - And moms always know what's cool. I mean, think about your mom, she's cool right? ...Right?

Sub Point - Virtual "friends" are all that make his otherwise flaccid existence valid.


Peeeee said...

Oooooh, we got you good you FUCKER.

Anonymous said...

you guys are my heros.