Thursday, May 24, 2007

Top Five Things to Replace Your Arms

Arms are gay, top five, GO!

5. Bubble Blowers - You'll be the life of the park until the kids inhale or ingest your bubble goodness, then you'll be explaining yourself to a judge.

4. Blades - This is the most obvious choice. I cannot mention any names, but some of you know who I'm talking about. As a side note, if you haven't already seen 300, see it, and send me your testosterone droplets. They aren't tears, damn it!

3. Nothing - Be an amputee and collect disability insurance, it's all the rage.

2. Hydraulic Dildos - No explanation is required here.

1. Tap and Keg - Strap a keg onto your side, run some minor tubes through your body, and add a sick neon tap to the other side and you'll be partying in no time. Now, all that beer will be pumped through your system, so be prepared to be wasted. Very wasted. All the time.

What didn't make the list:

- What is this, Pimp My Ride?

Rockets - Overdone.

The Olsen Twins - Too risque.

Wings - Gay, I'm too fat to fly anyways.

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