Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Top Five Reasons Why Peeee and Pettinphile Won't Write Top Fives

I figured I'd continue on with yesterday's. And no harm intended, this is just for fun folks, I'm just slamming these guys to get a laugh.

5. Cleverness is Not Their Forte - They're not even allowed to watch Yo Momma, let alone try to construct a yo momma joke on their own.

4. They Don't Have The Testicular Fortitude - You think this is easy? My balls are coated with lead (all natural), and they're about the size of a watermelon. Why can't you see them? I hide them in my ass.

3. They Have Better Things to Do - Like men, each other, little boys, and eat sperm. Did I mention they're gay?

2. They're Both Gay - With each other. I've never seen DA (Double Anal) before, until I met these queefs. Their breath is ass-tastic, and their balls are clean enough to eat off of (Because they suck them so hard, for the tards that didn't get it). What does this have to do with them not doing Top Fives? Women scare them, and they don't want to do anything that might attract them.

1. They Could Care Less About You - This whole thing, everything this is, is for you guys. The readers. I don't do this because it makes me cum (that's just a benefit), I do this because you guys told me that you liked it and wanted more. But these two fucks? I saw a guy tell them he liked Top Fives, and they immediately started shitting on him.

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