Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Top Five Reasons You Should Click All Those Links On The Right

5. You Might Find Something Useful - Who knows? I don't even know what those links are for, but who knows? If you click it it might be the second best website you went to today? Right behind the Top Five. Okay, maybe third best, behind the Top Five, and that beastiality site you found "by accident."

4. If You Click Each One 3 Times... - The Magical Internet Fairy* will visit your computer and sprinkle its magical dust** on your PC and you will never have lag again!
* The Magical Intenet Fairy is actually Neee in a fairy suit.
** The Magical Dust is actually metal filings and might actually fry your processor.

3. We Told You To
- Don't lie, you have no personal opinion or free will. You do as we say and thats the end of it. Now make me a sandwich! With some waffle fries.

2. We Make Money, and Might Make Shirts - It's true, we make money each time you click those links. Not much at all, but some, and whats good for us is good for you. If we make enough, and there is interest, we might make shirts with awesome Top Five graphics on them. Sink!

1. The Count Is Down - This is just unacceptable. The number on clicks this past month, is lower than when we first started the Five and had like, 3 readers, one of which was Neee's mom... So click the links before we rape every single one of you. Oh, and thanks for supporting the Top Five! Your reader loyalty is what keeps us going with this thing. But CLICK THE LINKS DAMMIT!


Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!

Peeeee said...

^^^I couldn't think of a gayer user name if i tried.

Anonymous said...

OMG, ghey.