Monday, April 9, 2007

Top Five Reasons to See Grindhouse

Despite having done very poorly in the box office on opening weekend, Grindhouse is still a worthy movie of any true fan of... Well, anything zombie or action related. Why? Keep reading.

5. Boobs - Oh, there certainly are boobs in it, and I'm not talking about Ms. Garrison boobs, I'm talking four star hotel boobs, and they get jibbly, oh lord do they get jibbly.

4. Kurt Russell Gets the Beating he Deserves - Now don't get me wrong, Kurt has done many a good movie, but some of his most recent (Poseidon, and Sky High) have been so unworthy that I grew a tumor on my spine that's been whispering things into my ear. Some of which are about my completely unhealthy obsession with Lindsay Lohan, but mainly center around the need for Kurt to take a boot to the face. And by God, has this movie satisfied the tumor's thirst.

3. Ass Kickery - The amount of unnecessary blood, violence, and gore in Grindhouse made my brain shoot a load out of my eye. From zombie power pimple popping to knives in the most arousing of orifices, this movie gave my calm collective nerve center the ass raping it was asking for.

2. Fornication of the Human Turkey Variety - You really just need to see the movie to understand that one.

1. Solid American Cinema - When two great directors get together and make a combo movie of epic proportions, the results are sometimes lacking. Wait, what the fuck am I talking about? That never happens, and this movie is a testament to that. Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino come together and make a combo movie that is both uniquely their own. This shit is just good.

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