Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Top 5 Reasons to Own a VW

5. It's like Joining a Family - A German mob family. You mess with one VW owner, you mess with every VW owner. Stereotypicly, most VW owners like to hike. Have you seen what kinda shape hikers are in? Yeah, they'll kick your ass like it was a stuffed kitten.

4. European Cars Are Built Tough - Think about it. Germans like to drink. Germans also like to drive. So since the odds of them drinking and driving were pretty high, they figure why not do it while surrounded by 1279 airbags... Just in case.

3. Unlimited Tuning - Lets face it, as humans we like to tweak things. Take Tim Taylor on tool time for example, or that computer you bought that needed more RAM. Your car is the same way, you want to tweak it. So why not do it with something that has infinite potential?

2. Hitler Started VW - When was the last time Hitler had a bad idea? And no, you're wrong. That was a great idea... he just got a little carried away.

1. It's Not a Honda - Don't get me wrong now, civics have their place. They are perfect for the Hispanic kids from Lawrence, or a 45 year old business man who wants to save a bit on gas. But for those of us interested in a more than moderately gentle commute... VW in da haus.

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